Thinksgiving Can Help You…

Develop Your Team of Future Leaders

Your team members will learn new skills, demonstrate talents, explore personal interests, and lead in ways that may go unseen during their typical workday.

Creative Corporate Social Responsibility

Thinksgiving is a unique way for your organization to contribute to our community while building meaningful, innovative partnerships with nonprofits that might not have been on your radar before. 

Learn New Ways to Innovate

You’ll connect with other Business Partners and get access to a mix of Filament’s meeting facilitation tools and best practices you’ll use well after Thinksgiving is over.

What Business Partners Say

How Thinksgiving Works

Nonprofits Share a Challenge They Have

Past challenges have focused on culture, strategy, marketing, volunteers, board engagement, workforce, and innovation. Most importantly, the nonprofit challenges can’t be about money (otherwise, they all would).

Business Partners “Draft” a Nonprofit Challenge

Next, each Business Partner (that’s you) selects one of the nonprofit challenges that aligns with your team’s expertise in a “draft” where the identities of the nonprofits connected with each challenge aren’t revealed until after the selections are made.

The Teams Pair on Thinksgiving Day

On November 7th, the nonprofit and Business Partner teams meet for a full day of strategic thinking and creative problem solving on Thinksgiving Day at Cortex. The day concludes with a party where everyone’s work is shared and celebrated.

There are three ways to participate in Thinksgiving as a Business Partner.

What Thinksgiving Costs

Field a Team

First-time Thinksgiving participants can enter one team, and alumni can field up to four. The cost for each 5-person team is $5,000.

Create a Cohort

Field five teams and build Thinksgiving into your leadership training with Filament’s one-day Meeting Mastery training for up to 50 leaders for $40,000. You’ll also secure a priority position in the draft.

Be a Sponsor

Sponsorship packages and in-kind trades are available. Check out this page to learn more.

Business Partner FAQ’s

  • We know facilitation isn’t a skill everyone possesses, so Filament runs workshops and creates all the tools and approaches each team needs to make their Thinksgiving day run smoothly and be productive.

  • Thinksgiving Business Partner bring teams of four to five team members, and nonprofits do the same.

  • No. We charge business partners to participate so we can cover all nonprofits’ expenses so they can participate for free.

  • Filament is not a nonprofit, so you’re not “donating” your fee. However, most Thinksiving participants categorize their entry fees as training, team, culture, innovation, or HR expenses.

  • Thinksgiving is the brainchild of Filament. It is a labor of love and takes our entire team most of a year to build.